A revolutionary one-room schoolhouse for the 21st century

At Odyssey we believe every child is destined to find a calling that changes the world. 

Did you know that education as we know it was designed in 1893? At Odyssey we bring the one-room community schoolhouse that shaped and built America into the 21st Century. Odyssey is a part of Acton Academy, a learner driven community with over 250+ worldwide campuses. We believe every child is on a hero's journey to find a calling that changes the world. 

Your family may belong at Odyssey if:

You want your child to fall in love with learning

You believe every child should be curious and creative

You believe children thrive with hands-on learning 

You desire for your child to discover their passion and calling in life

Are you ready to discover who your child was destined to be?


Traditional School
vs Odyssey

Traditional School 

Children are grouped by age and have rows of desks

Learners work collaboratively in a mixed age open spaced studio

“When we empower learners to explore and learn how to make an impact on the world, we inspire problem solvers and innovators.” 


Memorization and testing of facts and figures

Young children learn real life skills and apply to hands on projects, exhibitions, and real-world apprenticeships

Students complete busy work, worksheets, and homework

Learners explore, create, and innovate with hand-on tools and technology

Standardized tests and grades that measure achievement

Learners set personalized challenging goals and transparently track progress through creating portfolios 

Teacher led instruction 

Learners lead in a self-paced environment where everyone is a student and a teacher

Adult authority figure that enforces order and rules

Learners self-govern through creating contracts of commitment and peer accountability

School is a factory with bells, rigid schedules, and one-size fits all

School is an individual journey with goals, mentors, and 21st century tools that help them discover their calling

– Katie Martin, Learner-Centered Innovation

Hello there! 

We are Michael and Emily Koska 

We decided that we wanted school to look different for our children and the children in the Fargo Moorhead community. We are so happy you’re here and interested in discovering more about our innovative learner driven school – Odyssey!

Learn more about us

Your story may be similar to our story! 

We believe that clear thinking leads to good decisions, good decisions lead to the right habits, the right habits lead to character and character becomes destiny.

Learn more about our school