Our Approach

At Odyssey we believe that learning to learn, learning to do, and learning to be are far more important than memorization alone – learning only to know.

a girl reading a book
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Learning to Do

Hands-on quests for science, entrepreneurship and the arts prepare children for apprenticeships and real-world challenges.

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Learning to Be

Every learner is on a hero’s journey. Relational covenants and real-world consequences transform difficult decisions into virtuous habits.

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Learning to Learn

Socratic discussions and self-paced challenges equip children to be independent lifelong learners.

The Hero's Journey

Learning at Odyssey is an invitation to begin a hero’s journey. We believe every child is a genius who is destined to discover their calling and change the world.

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Our Promise

  • To begin a hero’s journey.
  • Learn to be a curious, independent, lifelong learner.
  • Develop a deep respect for economic, political, and religious freedoms.
  • Cherish the arts, wonders of the physical world, and the mysteries of life on Earth.
  • Discover his or her most precious gifts and learn to use them to solve difficult problems.

Hear from the co-founder of Acton Academy